Ownice, ul. Wolności 33/1
66-436 Słońsk Poland
Antoni Nowak
Telefon: +48 95 727 48 28
Mobile: +48 500 744 010
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Personal data that you have provided via the website will be transferred to (for example via the contact form). Your personal data from your computer to is your own responsibility (liability). Personal data is treated with due care and is never sold or disclosed to third parties. It is wise to read the privacy statement regularly to stay up to date with how works. If the privacy statement is significantly changed, will inform you about this on this website. A cookie (also known as an HTTP cookie) is a small text file that a website places on the hard drive of a user’s computer when visiting it. The main function of cookies is to distinguish one user from another. Therefore, you will often encounter cookies on websites where you need to log in. A cookie ensures that you remain logged in while using the website. Cookies have a specific expiration date. Some cookies are deleted when you close your browser. Others (such as those with credentials) can remain on your computer for years if you don’t delete them. It’s usually not obvious what exactly a cookie is for. Cookies are text files, but the content of these files is usually unreadable computer code. The real data about you is then in the service’s database.
PHU NOWAK Antoni Nowak
Ownice, ul. Wolności 33/1
66-436 Słońsk Poland
Phone: +48 95 727 48 28
Mobile: +48 500 744 010
© 2025 PHU Nowak all rights reserved
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